Prop 65 Policy Statement on California Proposition 65

As a matter of company policy, does not sell or ship products to California. It is impossible for us to know whether any customer will sell or ship products to California. Some of our customers may be interested in information regarding California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and related warnings. This notice is intended to serve as information for our customers and does not constitute legal advice.

The Prop 65 list currently contains over 900 naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals ranging from aloe vera, to wood chips, to chemicals like acrylamide that form naturally in the cooking process for certain foods (such as chips and pretzels). As a result, chemicals on the Prop 65 list may be in certain products sold by If a customer intends to sell products into California by any means or, if through a customer’s actions, Jake & Amos products are to be introduced to commerce in California, the customer selling or introducing the products into California (not Jake & Amos) has the responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws in California.

Please note that amendments to Prop 65 regulations have changed the way entities in the supply chain interact for products that may reach consumers in California. There is ongoing uncertainty whether warnings are required for certain chemicals and certain food products, particularly where Prop 65 warnings may conflict with federal labeling requirements and messaging about foods.

California Proposition 65 website: