Customer Reviews
8 Reviews View All
Don't hesitate to try this. It's a terrific addition to all sorts of dishes
These are the best! Please don't ever stop selling them. Love them!
It was a bit too hot for me, but when mixed in eggs, meats, and salads, it called it off a little. I would prefer a lesser 'hot,' but that's just me.
The strips are great to sautee with onions for steaks or sausage sandwiches. I can't find them in my local grocery stores so I purchase from the website. (For several years now)
Best pepper strips ever. Can't get anything like these in Florida.
Wow, really good on hotdogs and sandwiches! Should have gotten more... it's gunna go fast! (Original review date: 9/11/2016).
Wow, the best things I have ever eaten. A must try... FIVE STAR PRODUCT. Give them a try, you will love them! (Original review date: 6/25/2014).